parabrachial nucleus

  • 网络臂旁核;臂核
parabrachial nucleusparabrachial nucleus
  1. The Progress of Morphological Research on the Parabrachial Nucleus


  2. The parabrachial nucleus : another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb


  3. Connections between the parabrachial nucleus and the spinal cord in the rabbit


  4. Projections of the parabrachial nucleus to the cerebral cortex in the cat


  5. Projections of trigeminal nerve to the parabrachial nucleus in the cat


  6. Morphological and Physiological Studyes on the Parabrachial Nucleus in the Rat


  7. Origins of the nNOS Positive Afferents to the Parabrachial Nucleus in Rat Brain


  8. The effects of gustatory and visceral stimulation on c-Fos expression in parabrachial nucleus in rats


  9. Bilateral medial parabrachial nucleus , deep tegmental nucleus of midbrain , lateral hypothalamic area ;


  10. Somatostatin mRNA-containing neurons in the parabrachial nucleus of rats ── in situ hybridization histochemical study


  11. Effects on the parabrachial nucleus injection of noradrenaline and adrenergic blocking agent on vagus_pressor response


  12. The Projection to the Olfactory Tubercle from the Parabrachial Nucleus


  13. FLN were also seen in the nucleus associated with pain regulation such as parabrachial nucleus and nucleus of solitary tract .


  14. Catecholaminergic neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii transmitting visceral nociceptive information project to the parabrachial nucleus


  15. Conclusion : In the parabrachial nucleus , the synaptic apposition may be the basic mechanism for NO as biological messenger and signal molecule .


  16. The result indicates that there are many reciprocal connections between the parabrachial nucleus and caudal portion of the dorsal vagal complex .


  17. Ultrastructural observation on indirect connection pathway between solitary tract nucleus ~ - , parabrachial nucleus ~ - and central amygdaloid nucleus in the rat


  18. Third group was-the sensory nucleus , such as parabrachial nucleus , main sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and the commissural nucleus .


  19. The distribution of calcitonin gene related peptide , substance p , galanin and γ - aminobutyric acid immunoreactive neurons in the parabrachial nucleus in the rat


  20. Subnuclear localization of Fos and NADPH , diaphorase in the rat parabrachial nucleus after sinoaortic denervation


  21. Objective : To investigate whether the nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) in the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) took part in the transmission of visceral noxious stimulation .


  22. The number of labelled cells distribute more in the medial parabrachial nucleus ( PBm ) and less in the lateral parabrachial nucleus ( PBl ) .


  23. Taste responses in the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) are significantly affected by stimulation or lesion of the central nucleus of the amygdala ( CeA ) .


  24. These results indicate that some of catecholaminergic neurons of NTS might receive nociceptive inputs from somatic orofacial deep tissue and transmit the information to the lateral parabrachial nucleus .


  25. Projection of vesicular glutamate transporter ⅱ - like immunoreactive terminals from the spinal trigeminal nucleus to lateral parabrachial nucleus in rats Synthesis of adaptive steering-invariant constant-beamwidth pattern with sidelobe constraints


  26. AIM : To observe the serotoninergic projections from the periaqueductal gray ( PAG ) and dorsal raphe nucleus ( DR ) to the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) in rats .


  27. After injection of biotinylated dextran amine ( BDA ) into the lumbosacral intermediolateral nucleus , many BDA labeled axon terminals were found in the parabrachial nucleus with a light ipsilateral dominance .


  28. After survival times of 62 72 hours , many PRV labeling neurons were found in the raphe nuclei , paratrigeminal nucleus , lateral reticular nucleus , locus ceruleus , parabrachial nucleus and A5 cell group .


  29. The SOM mRNA positive neurons are mainly distributed in lateral parabrachial nucleus , medial parabrachial nucleus , dorsal parabrachial region and interstitial part of the parabrachial nucleus at the level of the middle part of the parabrachial nucleus .


  30. We have studied the projections to the parabrachial nucleus ( PB ) from the primary afferent fibers of lingual nerve in cat by using the method of degeneration combined with the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) .
